Miramar Regional Park Amphitheater
90,000 sqrft. Facility with 3,000 person seating under our nearly $2 million dollar canopy, and 2,000 lawn General admissions seating. The stage is 5 feet off the ground, 100 feet wide, and 40 feet deep.
Unlike most outdoor facilities we have fixed indoor air conditioned bathrooms. Adjacent is a 50,000 + sqrft promenade.
- Small bags (smaller than 12″x6″x12″, subject to search)
- Wheelchairs and medical scooters
- Strollers for children
- Hand-held still cameras
- Lawn chairs with low backs (maximum 30”)
- Blankets

- No outside Food or Beverages
- Glass containers or outside steins
- Coolers and thermoses
- Briefcases
- Backpacks
- Fanny packs
- Cinch bags
- Luggage of any kind
- Computer bags
- Camera bags
- Laser pointer
- Selfie sticks/Go-pros
- Flags
- Bottles/Cans
- Signs larger than 2’x 2’
- Umbrellas or tents
- Large chairs with high backs or a shade structure that can obstruct the view of others
- Video and audio recording equipment
- Wagons, skateboards and Segway
- Weapons of any kind (unless state law explicitly authorizes a person to carry a weapon i.e. off-duty law enforcement)
Illicit drugs and other contraband. - Skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, large signs and placards.
An exception will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection at the designated gate Event organizers reserve the right to decline admittance to anyone who violates the reasonable policies established for public safety or to restrict activities such as public address to designated areas.